All WordPress themes come with widgets, some more than others but there are some really good plugins that can be installed to enhance or "widgetize" your site or blog too. My favorites are "Widgetized Pages Light", Sidebars and Widget Manager" and "Custom Widgets".
These plugins give me unlimited widgets and choices for laying out my content that I wouldn't want to do without. They have become standard and essential tools for all of my WordPress sites.
What is a Widget?
A Widget is a container that can hold various types of content and be placed inside pages or posts by the use of "shortcodes" or default options. There are the typical vertical widgets and horizontal widgets available and the code for the widgets can also be modified.Widgets can be added via plugin or via code. The widget code can be duplicated, copied and pasted and modified in various ways to customize a page or post.
I have modified many WordPress pages by adding additional widgets using both methods and it is a common request for the "home" page of most themes. There just never seems to be enough widgets and I find that people want more and more help adding, deleting and modifying them for various themes.
Standard widgets don't offer much in the way of formatting and you must use HTML to format the content. But plugins like the "Black Studio TinyMCE Widget" give you all the formatting options available in your page or post editor which can greatly expand your choices for content and more importantly, make your WordPress life a little easier and save you some time.
The beauty of widgets are that they act just like tables and cells constraining your content and helping with layout and placement without the issues commonly associated with using tables for web design across different browser platforms.
So if you need widgets, give the above mentioned widget plugins a try with your WordPress theme and see if your ability to manage your content isn't made easier.
Allan Whitney
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